Here at SeaHive, we’ve learned a lot by creating plastic-free packaging for our sister company Pakt. We decided we wanted to share what worked for us with anyone who was interested. In the following series, The SeaHive Guide to Plastic-Free Packaging, we are going to explain the reasoning we went off the beaten path to use 100% plastic-free packaging, exactly how we did it at each step, and further ways you can reduce your environmental footprint as a company.
The frontside of a card we made explaining the SeaHive plastic-free packaging for Pakt bags.
The goal of these guides is to help other businesses realize they can do this too – and help make the switch painless. Switching to plastic-free packaging doesn’t have to cost a lot and it isn’t as complicated as you might think, but every item packaged and shipped without plastic makes a difference. We encourage you to get in touch with questions and comments as you read these. We aren’t environmental scientists or packaging engineers--we’re just a small team of people who wants to keep plastic out of the ocean and saw an opportunity to start with our own products. This is what worked for us and we hope it inspires you to consider eliminating plastic packaging from your product line.